#365feministselfie: Week 4

I am participating once again in the #365feministselfie project, now in its sixth year. Here is a thread for others to share selfies and/or talk about the project, visibility generally, self-appreciation, and related topics. And also because I always just love seeing your splendid faces!

A few of my selfies over the first few weeks of 2019:

image of me lying on my couch, with Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt's head resting on my chest and Sophie the Torbie Cat curled up behind my outstretched legs
Cuddle time!

image of me from the shoulders up, smiling, with my hair pulled back and my contacts in, wearing a burgundy lace blouse and a mauve cardigan
Off to therapy and dinner out with Iain.

image of me from the chest up, shouting excitedly and pointing to my green t-shirt which reads 'forking shirtballs'
VERY EXCITED after Manchester United defeated Tottenham!

image of me in my bathroom mirror, winking, from the waist up, wearing a grey blouse with a light flower pattern and glasses, with my hair pulled back
How YOU doin'? *wink*

image of me sitting on my couch, turned sideways to the camera, wearing a stripey tanktop that shows off my shoulder tattoo reading POW! in a comic book style

Please feel welcome and encouraged to share your own selfies in comments, or share your thoughts on the project, or solicit encouragement or advice, or do whatever else feels best for you to participate, if you are inclined to do so!

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