Discussion Thread: How Are You?

I am feeling very anxious about what Trump is going to say tonight during his address, and about what he is going to do and say during his visit to the southern border, and about what is going to come next.

I am worried that we are quickly accelerating toward a point at which lots of people are going to be gravely hurt by widespread violence.

I hope more desperately than I can convey that I am wrong.

I am angry about this, every day but especially today:

I am fearful that if Trump is separated from the presidency, by forcible removal or resignation, that a Pence presidency would continue the worst of this administration with far less scrutiny from both the public and the press, simply because Pence is less vulgar.

I am still hopeful, in diminishing but obstinate measure, that we'll find a way through this somehow.

I am grateful for my husband, for our home, for my friends, for all the times they make me laugh, and for Sophie, Dudley, and Zelda.

I am also, as always, glad for this community. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.

How are you?

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