This list o' links brought to you by sassy vanity plates.
Recommended Reading:
Peter Hess at Inverse: World Bee Collapse May Boil Down to a Vicious Mite and an Overlooked Idea
Heidi Shierholz at the Economic Policy Institute: The Number of Unionized U.S. Workers Edged Lower to 16.4 Million in 2018
Admin at Transgender Law Center: Celebrating Isa Noyola as She Shifts into New Movement Role
Meaghan O'Connell at the Cut: To All the Moms I've Ignored Before
Hunter Harris at Vulture: Ethan Hawke on the 'Dark and Incendiary' First Reformed — and His Own Stolen Journals
Angry Asian Man at AAM: Ali Wong's Tribute to Gymnast Katelyn Ohashi Is a Perfect 10
Marija Bern at Bored Panda: 50 Times People Asked to Cover Up or Complement Their Scars and Birthmarks, and Tattoo Artists Nailed It (Content Note: Some of the scars may have been caused by self-harm.)
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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