It's also because I just enjoy these threads and like giving the members of this community an opportunity to let themselves be known, and to get to know each other.
Back in May of last year, I solicited suggestions for new topics for community discussion threads and noted:
More than ever I want to center our collective humanity in this space. I want us to be visible to each other. I want to talk about happiness, and pain, and every piece of life that we are living, even as the world is changing very dramatically.After that thread, I added some new threads into the rotation: What I'm Reading Now, What I'm Watching, and World of Shakescraft.
...Please know that I don't post anything here frivolously. ...Visibility of our individual humanity means something. Evidence of joy in a time of resistance means something. Acknowledging hurt in a time of turmoil means something. You mean something, and so do I.
So now I'm posing the question again: Are there any fun features that you would like to see added into the rotation? A thread on general hobbies? A dedicated thread to hair stuff, instead of treating that as makeup-adjacent? A dating/relationships thread? Any one of a million other things I wouldn't think of on my own, lol?
Let me know in comments. I can't promise that I will institute every suggestion, but I will definitely work some new stuff into the mix!
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