Suggested by Shaker lattendicht: "Are there any actions or activities that you use your non-dominant hand for? Or any odd workarounds for handedness that you use? (e.g. my left-handed colleague plays tennis mostly left-handed, but swaps to a right-handed forehand shot instead of using a left-handed backhand!)"
I'm ambidextrous, so I can do almost anything either hand. My right hand is slightly dominant, sheerly by virtue of having been encouraged to use my right hand more as a child, as most kids were back when I was little and dinosaurs roamed the earth.
So, for example, my handwriting using my right hand is more legible than my handwriting using my left, but I can comfortably write with my left without any problems.
There are a number of things, however, I prefer to do with my left hand, none of which I can think of at the moment, of course, lol!
Many things I can do equally as effectively with either hand, which comes in very handy when, for instance, it's easier to use a screwdriver in a tight space with a specific hand. Being able to switch off is pretty nifty!
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