This list o' links brought to you by lemons and limes.
Recommended Reading:
Ethelene Whitmire at Longreads: [Content Note: Discussion of racism] Traveling While Black Across the Atlantic Ocean
Elizabeth Blair at NPR: A Song Called 'Quiet' Struck a Chord with Women; Two Years Later, It's Still Ringing
Nadja Sayej at the Guardian: 'An Extraordinary American Story' — Behind an Eye-Opening James Baldwin Exhibition
George Dvorsky at Gizmodo: Holy Crap, the Moon Was Struck by a Meteorite During the 'Super Wolf Blood Moon' Eclipse
Matt Patches at Polygon: Um, Where Is Tom Hardy's Oscar nomination for Venom?
Kayleigh Donaldson at Pajiba: What's Up Jerks?! The Delightful Dirtbag Appeal of Jason Mantzoukas
Anne Victoria Clark at Vulture: Amber Ruffin Has a Plan for Dealing with Racist Children
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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