There is no emergency, which Trump himself as much as admitted during his announcement of the emergency order, when he said, "I didn't need to do this. But I'd rather do it much faster."
House Democrats immediately jumped into action to unwind this bigoted nonsense, and today they're going to vote to reverse the president's order. It is expected to pass the House and then go on to the Senate, where "it would take only a handful of GOP defections to pass it."
Republican Senator Thom Tillis has an op-ed in the Washington Post stating he will vote against the emergency, and Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski said over the weekend that she "will likely be supporting the resolution to disapprove of the action."
Trump would almost certainly use his first veto to overturn the vote, even if it manages to pass the GOP-controlled Senate, and it doesn't appear as though there is a 2/3 majority to override his veto.
Nonetheless, there are things worth doing on principle, and fighting back against this president's gross authoritarian power grab is surely one of them.
It's about time someone told Donald Trump "no."
And when he refuses to listen, it will only underscore how urgently he needs to hear it more often.
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