I am feeling as anxious about the state of the nation, and the world, as I ever have since the day after the 2016 election, which is to say extremely fucking anxious.
I am dreading what Garbage Mouth is going to say tonight during his State of the Union address, and dreading whatever will come next after he sets the stage for it.
I continue to loathe the entire Trump Regime with the fiery power of ten thousand suns. My contempt for every member of the Republican Party cannot be measured on a scale fathomable by human intellect. (Even my own. Because when I think I have reached the bottom of my reserves, I discover there are yet ponderous new depths.) What a truly disgusting lot they are.
I am stressed out by about five different things in my personal life, over which I have very little control, and even where I have some ability to influence outcomes, it will cost money to address (e.g. hiring a plumber yet again to fix the third leak in our house in as many months).
I am relieved that that number was higher 24 hours ago, but we got one big thing resolved yesterday.
I am grateful for my wonderful husband, for our home, for my friends, for all the times they make me laugh, and for Sophie, Dudley, and Zelda.
I am also, as always, glad for this community. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.
How are you?
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