I am feeling a little bit better every day, and yesterday was the first day in almost two weeks that I made it through the day without a nap and through the night without a coughing fit, so that's a big bit of progress, for which I am super grateful!
I remain as anxious about the state of the nation, and the world, as I ever have since the day after the 2016 election, which is to say extremely fucking anxious.
I continue to loathe the entire Trump Regime with the fiery power of ten thousand suns.
I am stressed out by some stuff in my personal life, over which I have very little control, but I'm navigating it all as best as I can.
I am grateful for my darling husband, for our home, for my friends, for all the times they make me laugh, and for Sophie, Dudley, and Zelda.
I am also, as always, glad for this community. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.
How are you?
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