We haven't had a Life Hacks thread in a long time, so here's a thread to share all the little tips and tricks you've got for making life easier.
I don't know why my life hacks always seem to be laundry related, lol, but whatever! Here's my tip for preventing jeans from coming out of the dryer with funky cuffs pressed in the wrong direction: Take a moment when you pull them out of the washer to smooth the legs and cuffs.
When I pull a pair of jeans out of the washer, I smooth the legs and cuffs, then fold them in half lengthwise and dangle them upside-down from the cuffs, shaking and stretching them a bit to get them as straight as possible before I toss them into the dryer.
Since I started doing that, I've never had any more problem with cuffs being rolled up or crunched in a weird position when they come out of the dryer. It takes a little time, but it's worth it.
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