This list o' links brought to you by candy.
Recommended Reading:
Kristel Tracey at Media Diversified: [Content Note: White supremacy; toxic masculinity; sexual violence; racist violence] Liam Neeson's Revelation Unmasks the Dark Heart of Toxic White Masculinity
Ragen Chastain at Dances with Fat: [CN: Fat hatred] Risking Fat People's Lives "for Their Health"
Mike Brown at Inverse: Finland's Universal Basic Income Had a Surprise Effect on People's Beliefs
Angelica Jade Bastién at Vulture: The Beatific Imperfection of Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, 20 Years Later
Ryan F. Mandelbaum at Gizmodo: Spooky New Photos Show the Alien Creatures of the Deep Ocean
Jake Buehler at Earther: Six Newly Discovered Catfish Species Have Faces Full of Tentacles
Gaby Melian at Bon Appetit: The Test Kitchen Has a Favorite Sponge — and It Never Smells
Mark Kaufman at Mashable: Look at This Colossal Storm on Uranus
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