Listen, the news is tough, and we all need moments of escape from the horror to recuperate and prepare for the next onslaught, and I can talk about shoes all the livelong day, so welcome to the OMG SHOEZ thread.

Got a favorite pair of shoes you want to share? Bought a new pair about which you're super excited? Have a recommendation to make, or want to caution us away from a purchase you regret? Want to solicit suggestions for a specific event, a foot issue, an elusive something for which you've been hunting? Having trouble finding something particular on a budget? Have at it in comments!

* * *

I don't have any new shoes to share today, so instead I'm just going to give a shout-out to my wide-calf boots, which I have now had for almost five years, and still love so much!

image of my outstretched legs, clad in tall brown boots, my feet resting on a red chair

One of my favorite things about these boots is the virtually flat heel, so I can walk in them forever. And I have! They're still as comfy and look as good as the day I first put them on.

So if you're looking for a pair of wide-calf boots that will hold up for a very long time, I can vouch for Simply Be boots!

As I noted when I first wrote about them, Simply Be offers precise calf sizing, based on your actual leg measurement and not your shoe size, which was a real winner for me, because whatever magical combination of foot-to-calf ratio on which the shoe size calculation is based, I don't have it!

Love these boots forever. OMG BOOTZ!

So, that's what up with me! What's up with you?

(As always: I am not affiliated with nor am I receiving compensation from any of the brands or shoe retailers mentioned in this thread. Any shoes and/or retailers I recommend is just because I really like 'em!)

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