President Vladimir Putin warned Russia would aim new advanced weapons against the U.S. should it deploy intermediate-range missiles in Europe, raising the stakes after the breakdown of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty.This is theater, as the withdrawal from the INF treaty was specifically to justify rebuilding Russia's nuclear arsenal. It's also gravely serious, because once Donald Trump is of no further use to Putin, those weapons will still be armed and pointed at the U.S.
Mr. Putin said Russia wasn't seeking confrontation with the U.S. and wouldn't make the first move to deploy the missiles. But if Washington has such plans once it abandons the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty this "will be a serious threat to us."
This seems like something that might be worthy of a few tweets from Trump, who, after all, can easily go on multi-hour rants about satirical weekend comedy shows.
But only if he weren't a puppet.
Which he is.
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