RIP John Dingell

double image of John Dingell, being sworn into Congress as a young man, and holding a gavel high in the air as an old man

Former Rep. John Dingell, the longest serving member of Congress in U.S. history, who honorably represented the people of southeast Michigan for over 59 years, has died at age 92.

Dingell was a World War II veteran, a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, an imperfect but fierce legislator, and a genuine national treasure.

He was also an absolutely peerless tweeter.

And although he was deservedly well-known for his sardonic, cutting, hilarious political tweets, it was often his straightforward tweets that communicated the depth of his mettle.

Rebecca Shabad at NBC News has a nice obituary detailing the highlights of his vast record. And at the Washington Post, Antonia Noori Farzan recalls his spectacular Twitter legacy.

This one hit me hard. I have tears streaming down my face as I write this. I had immense respect for Rep. Dingell, and I don't think we'll see one like him again.

My condolences to his family, friends, colleagues, and former constituents, especially to his wife and teammate of nearly 40 years, Rep. Debbie Dingell, who now holds the seat he once held. My heart is broken for her, and for us all. A great man. A great loss.

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