Share your favorite recipes, solicit good recipes, share recipes you've recently tried, want to try, are trying to perfect, whatever! Whether they're your own creation, or something you found elsewhere, share away.
Also welcome: Recipes you've seen recently that you'd love to try, but haven't yet!
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I made this a couple of weeks ago, before I came down with the plague, and it was definitely one of the tastiest things I've ever made!
It was very much a Chopped moment, in which my basket ingredients were whatever I had in the kitchen at the time, lol, but it basically went like this: I de-cased the merguez sausage and broke it into chunks in a large pan. Once they were browned, I removed them with a slotted spoon, leaving the oil behind. Once the oil was cool, I threw in three cloves of minced garlic and half a white onion, diced. Once they were soft, I added a cup of chicken broth, a can of diced tomatoes (drained), a can of butter beans (drained), about a cup of kale, a splash of cream, generous parsley, generous red pepper, black pepper, and salt.
Once that all cooked together for a bit (about five minutes or so) and started to reduce, I added the sausage back in and let it simmer for a few minutes.
And that was that! All that was left was to serve it up with some homemade bread, care of Iain. Yum!
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