Today, I'm going to give a big ol' thumbs-up to the Joseph Joseph M-Cuisine™ Pasta Cooker.
This gadget allows you to make pasta in the microwave in about the same time that it takes to cook on the stovetop (once the water's boiling), but without having to dirty a pot and a colander.
You just measure the pasta using the handy guide imprinted on its interior bottom, add the amount of water indicated by an imprint on its interior side, stick in the microwave for the allotted time, then drain it using the built-in colander.
Done and dusted in one!
I probably wouldn't use this handy device if I were making a dish that required some of the pasta water in a sauce, but the way I eat pasta most frequently is just with a little olive oil, parsley, cracked pepper, and parmesan cheese, so this has become my go-to.
It took a couple of tries before I figured out the perfect timing, since every microwave varies, but, once I nailed that, this thing was gold. Thumbs way up!
Anyway! Give us your thumbs-up or thumbs-down in comments!
(As always, I'm not affiliated in any way with any of the companies whose products I mention, nor am I getting anything in exchange for my recommendations. I just like the products!)
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