#365feministselfie: Week 13

I am participating once again in the #365feministselfie project, now in its sixth year. Here is a thread for others to share selfies and/or talk about the project, visibility generally, self-appreciation, and related topics. And also because I always just love seeing your splendid faces!

A few of my selfies over the last two weeks:

image of me in a blue and green swimsuit and a retro purple swimcap with flowers, standing in a mirror grinning with my eyes looking to one side
Lady Swimmington.

image of me standing in a mirror, from mid-torso up, wearing a blue flowered top and a blue butterfly necklace; Dudley the Greyhound can be seen walking up the stairs in the background
Selfie with special guest star Dudley's butt!

image of my hand holding Iain's hand, in our living room
Just hanging out, 18 years + 1 day after we met.

image of me from the waist up in my bathroom mirror, wearing a white top and grey-framed glasses, with my hair pulled back in a ponytail

image of me standing in my front hall mirror, from mid-torso up, wearing a purple flowered dress and a lilac cardigan, with my contacts in and hair pulled back in a ponytail
Gussied up for dinner with friends.

Please feel welcome and encouraged to share your own selfies in comments, or share your thoughts on the project, or solicit encouragement or advice, or do whatever else feels best for you to participate, if you are inclined to do so!

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