I am feeling really sad and really angry about the acts of public violence committed by resentful men who have nourished themselves on a steady diet of toxic ideologies. They make me hurt, and they make my heart feel like it will shatter into a million pieces, and they make me more resolved than ever to be a person who builds space, online and off, for people committed to harm mitigation.
I am feeling the usual amount of anxiety and despair and rage about the Trump Regime, which I continue to loathe with the fiery power of ten thousand suns.
I am already tired of dealing with the rabid supporters of various Democratic candidates. I am scared by the increasing extremism I'm seeing on the left.
I am pleased that I've been able to cross a few things off my personal to-do list, and that nothing urgent remains.
I am grateful for my lovely husband, for our home, for my friends, for all the times they make me laugh, and for Sophie, Dudley, and Zelda.
I am also, as always, glad for this community. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.
How are you?
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