Well. I am feeling extremely angry about the way the Mueller investigation is playing out. I am hardly surprised, since this is precisely what I anticipated would happen, but I am angry nonetheless. I'm angry that Bill Barr is going to selectively redact Bob Mueller's report, and I'm angry that, if Barr has misrepresented Mueller's work, that Mueller isn't saying anything. Frankly, I'm angry that Mueller isn't saying anything either way.
I'm troubled by my sense that there is already a perceptible deflation (for lack of a better word) among progressives in terms of how hard they're willing to go at Donald Trump, in the wake of his claimed "exoneration." I already feel like I'm way out there in comparison, simply by maintaining my normal level of outrage at this guy. I'm fretting that people are working overtime to gaslight themselves into thinking that everything they've ever believed about Trump was wrong.
I'm worried that progressives are going to start disengaging en masse, which concerns me for a lot of reasons — among them, on a personal level, that the more people who abandon vocal and visible resistance, the more people like me will stick out like sore thumbs and thus be at increased risk.
I am grateful for my lovely husband, for our home, for my friends, for all the times they make me laugh, and for Sophie, Dudley, and Zelda.
I am also, as always, glad for this community. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.
How are you?
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