What are you doing to do to take care of yourself today, or in the near future, as soon as you can?
If you are someone who has a hard time engaging in self-care, or figuring out easy, fast, and/or inexpensive ways to treat yourself, and you would like to solicit suggestions, please feel welcome. And, as always, no one should offer advice unless it is solicited.
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I scheduled a doctor's appointment I've been putting off, for no good reason other than an aversion to seeing the doctor.
And I bought myself a new book, for which I am going to carve out time to read, as part of my commitment to getting back into reading for pleasure.
It's not easy: The reason I fell away from it was because my brain is so tired at the end of a day of researching, reading, and writing. And that hasn't changed. In fact, the more emotionally draining the subject matter, the more exhausted my mind is by day's end.
But reading was one of my great pleasures in life, and I miss it desperately. So I am going to take care of myself by figuring out some kind of balance that allows me to reconnect with the thing I so enjoy.
Maybe that means I cook a big batch of whatever at the weekend so I can use the time when I usually cook dinner to more actively and mindfully decompress. I don't know. But I'm determined to sort it out, and I'm very fortunate that Iain is extremely encouraging and willing to do whatever he can to support me.
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