Last Friday, Paul Manafort was sentenced in the first of two sentencing hearings for various crimes of fraud and fuckery. Today is the second hearing, currently underway.
If you'd like to follow along, BuzzFeed's Zoe Tillman is doing a bang-up job live-tweeting it. Her thread begins here.
So far — and I hope you're sitting on your fainting couches — the hearing has been a fucking joke.
As I noted on Twitter, this hearing marks a new low in low bars for old white dudes. Manafort is supposed to be given credit for "accepting responsibility" by taking a plea deal to serve less time. Sure. He's supposed to be pitied for being in a wheelchair, despite the fact this is a nation who had a president that fought the Nazis from a wheelchair. Okay. His generosity would have been "admirable" if only he hadn't been a fucking traitor to earn his dough. COME ON. He should get credit that his work for Ukraine wasn't totally secret, because he was in contact with the State Department. Oh gee that's okay then!
You get the gist. Poor Paul Manafort. Boo-hoo.
Anyway. At some point, the sentence will be handed down. In the meantime, here's a place to talk about the hearing and how much Paul Manafort sucks. I'll update with the sentence once it's known.
UPDATE: Zoe Tillman tweets: "Paul Manafort has been sentenced to: Count 1: 60 months, with 30 months concurrent with EDVA sentence. Count 2: 13 months, to run consecutive to count 1 and the EDVA sentence."
To be clear, only half of the 60 month sentence on Count 1 will be served concurrent with his previous sentence. The other half, plus the 13 month sentence on Count 2 will be served consecutively. That means Manafort was just sentenced to an additional 43 months, on top of the 47 months to which he was sentenced last Friday. So, about 7.5 years in total.
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