Shaker Thumbs is your opportunity to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to a product or service you have used and that you'd recommend to other Shakers or warn them away from.
Today, I'm going to give a big ol' thumbs-up to Real Simple's Sliding Under-Cabinet Organizers, which I got at Bed Bath and Beyond.
The particular reason I'm recommending Real Simple is because they offer their sliding organizers in three widths, staring at 11 inches. I have an older house with an older kitchen, and it's really difficult to find organizers narrow enough to fit my old school cabinets. In fact, Real Simple was the only one I could find that had 11-inch sliders that were also reasonably priced.
They were easy to install and we've been using them for a couple of months now, and they're still working great with a smooth slide!
We've got pots in one and pans + pot lids in the other, and it's just been so nice to be able to reach down and slide out the organizers to grab what I need, instead of having to practically crawl into the cabinet and loudly rummage through a mess of disorganized cookware.
Now I start cooking a meal by being happy about what an improvement these organizers have made instead of being grumpy about how chaotic my cookware is, lol. Such a simple thing can make such a big difference.
Anyway! Give us your thumbs-up or thumbs-down in comments!
(As always, I'm not affiliated in any way with any of the companies whose products I mention, nor am I getting anything in exchange for my recommendations. I just like the products!)
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