Here is your semi-regular makeup thread, to discuss all things makeup and makeup adjacent.
Do you have a makeup product you'd recommend? Are you looking for the perfect foundation which has remained frustratingly elusive? Need or want to offer makeup tips? Searching for hypoallergenic products? Want to grouse about how you hate makeup? Want to gush about how you love it?
Whatever you like — have at it!
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I don't have any new makeup items or looks to share, but it's been awhile since we've had a makeup thread, and I didn't want to let my lack of makeup nooz delay the fun for everyone else, lol.
So I will just again mention the drawstring cosmetic bag that I recommended in a February Shaker Thumbs thread, for anyone who might have missed it.
It works very simply: When you open it, it spreads out and allows you to view all your makeup at once. I keep all the things I use frequently in here, and then the stuff I use much more occasionally is stored neatly in a closed box in the corner of the vanity. I could fit a lot more in here, but these are my go-to products.
And then when you're done, you just pull the drawstrings to close it, tuck in the drawstrings, and fold it closed. It literally takes seconds. And then I've got a nice, clear, clutter-free bathroom countertop!
I have tried many things over the years to organize my makeup in a way that I liked, and this $10 thingy is the absolute best. Nothing else has even come close! I get to see everything I need at a glance, and then I get to put it all away neatly in a moment.
Just yesterday, I was thinking how I might order a second one just to keep in storage in case this one ever wears out and they aren't being sold anymore. That's how much I love this thing, lol!
Anyway! What's up with you?
(As always, I'm not affiliated in any way with any of the companies whose products I mention, nor am I getting anything in exchange for my recommendations. I just like the products!)
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Please note, as always, that advice should be not be offered to an individual person unless they solicit it. Further: This thread is open to everyone — women, men, genderqueer folks. People who are makeup experts, and people who are makeup newbies. Also, because there is a lot of racist language used in discussions of makeup, and in makeup names, please be aware to avoid turns of phrase that are alienating to women of color, like "nude" or "flesh tone" when referring to a peachy or beige color. I realize some recommended products may have names that use these words, so please be considerate about content noting for white supremacist (and/or Orientalist) product naming.
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