What I'm Watching

This is a thread to share all the good things you're watching at the moment, or have recently watched. Serialized shows on broadcast or streaming; films; digital shorts; stand-up; documentaries; performances — whatever! Tell us what you're watching and enjoying these days.

promotional image of the 'Fab Five' on Netflix's 'Queer Eye'
[Image via Netflix.]

I just finished the new season of Queer Eye, streaming on Netflix, which was so terrific and obviously I cried at every episode because hello I'm me and I cry at everything.

I also watched Transformer on Netflix, a documentary about transgender and genderfluid weightlifter and former presidential security service member Janae Marie Kroczaleski. It's a very good documentary, with a non-invasive style that I really enjoy, about a very brave and interesting person. I recommend it.

Anyway! What are you watching these days?

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