An Observation

See, here's the thing about the argument regarding whether to commence impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump: Yes, he will make hay of it if Democrats impeach him. But he will also make hay of it if they don't.

Trump is going to make the absolute most of any attempt to try to hold him accountable. He's going to thrash and scream and pronounce himself a victim and threaten vengeance on his enemies and do sundry malicious shit in order to try to distract and obfuscate.

Trump is going to make the absolute most of any failure to try to hold him accountable. He's still going to thrash and scream and pronounce himself a victim, while simultaneously continuing to act his agenda of undiluted malice with the assistance of his deplorable party.

Donald Trump is a terrible human being who will always do the worst thing imaginable and then some.

It's foolish to even try to make decisions on what will best contain his indecency. Just do what's right.

And, in case it is not yet abundantly clear, the right thing to do is to impeach Donald Trump.

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