Naturally, Republican lawmakers like Lindsey Graham and Jim Jordan have jumped on board to help facilitate the revenge plot.
Chris Strohm and Billy House at Bloomberg report:
Attorney General William Barr has assembled a team to review controversial counterintelligence decisions made by Justice Department and FBI officials, including actions taken during the probe of the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016, according to a person familiar with the matter.Indeed, Congressional Republicans have been calling for punitive investigations of the investigators, while Trump's base of deplorable cultists has continued calling lock her up.
This indicates that Barr is looking into allegations that Republican lawmakers have been pursuing for more than a year — that the investigation into [Donald] Trump and possible collusion with Russia was tainted at the start by anti-Trump bias in the FBI and Justice Department.
...Republican Lindsey Graham, who's a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, has already pledged to pursue the issue in the Judiciary Committee he leads.
..."That's great news he's looking into how this whole thing started back in 2016," Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, said Tuesday of Barr's interest in the issue. "That's something that has been really important to us. It's what we've been calling for."
They want show trials, Trump is leveraging his mighty power in order to give them what they want, and the rest of his despicable party is falling right in line.
Failing actual show trials of his "enemies," Trump and the GOP will nonetheless communicate that anyone who comes for the president will lose — and had better be prepared to get a target on their own backs. The message is that the Department of Justice is now a weapon of vengeance.
Utterly chilling, by explicit design.
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