Our election was corrupted, our democracy assaulted, our sovereignty and security violated. This is the definitive conclusion of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's report. It documents a serious crime against the American people.There are always people who say that Hillary Clinton is not the right messenger.
The debate about how to respond to Russia's "sweeping and systematic" attack — and how to hold [Donald] Trump accountable for obstructing the investigation and possibly breaking the law — has been reduced to a false choice: immediate impeachment or nothing. History suggests there's a better way to think about the choices ahead.
Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say I'm not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin's ascent, sat across the table from him, and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.
I am also someone who, by a strange twist of fate, was a young staff attorney on the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate impeachment inquiry in 1974, as well as first lady during the impeachment process that began in 1998. And I was a senator for New York after 9/11, when Congress had to respond to an attack on our country. Each of these experiences offers important lessons for how we should proceed today.
They are wrong.
She is the right messenger for this message, in this moment. And it's not just because of the particular, unique, extraordinarily uncanny details of her resume detailed above — although that, too.
It's because she is the person, she has always been the person, with the courage and the wisdom and the unparalleled gumption to be the one to say what needs to be said about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
And lots of other things.
This country has made the grave mistake of not listening to Hillary Clinton before. I hope we have learned from that grievous and reverberating error, and listen to her now.
Head on over to read the whole thing.
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