I'm also just entirely done with being treated as though I'm a hysterical prude for holding the (entirely reasonable and correct) belief that I deserve the opportunity to vote for a candidate who has no (feigned or real) confusion about the appropriate way to interact with women. https://t.co/btSsdNOhIt
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) April 8, 2019
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) April 8, 2019
One of the gifts of aging, for me, has been increasingly shedding my reflexive compulsion to apologize for goddamned everything, including my very existence.
I still apologize more than I should for things that need no apology from me, but I have no urge at all to apologize for having the expectation that I can cast a vote for a presidential candidate who isn't a shameless fucking creep.
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