Listen, the news is tough, and we all need moments of escape from the horror to recuperate and prepare for the next onslaught, and I can talk about shoes all the livelong day, so welcome to the OMG SHOEZ thread.

Got a favorite pair of shoes you want to share? Bought a new pair about which you're super excited? Have a recommendation to make, or want to caution us away from a purchase you regret? Want to solicit suggestions for a specific event, a foot issue, an elusive something for which you've been hunting? Having trouble finding something particular on a budget? Have at it in comments!

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I have been looking for the perfect pair of colorful sneaks for a long time, and, after I saw Kath's pair of pastel Fila Disruptor IIIs, I had to have my own!

(Well, because I'm a nerd, I had to do an enormous amount of research on their comfort and function ratings, read a bunch of reviews, and, only then, once satisfied that I was buying a practical shoe in addition to a pretty one, had to have my own, lol.)

image of my feet clad in pink, purple, blue, and yellow pastel sneakers

image of one of my feet turned to the side to show off 'sharkbite' sole and side zipper
Easy-on zip and sharkbite soles.

I wore these all around the house yesterday to test their lauded comfortability, and they definitely lived up to their reputation.

I love the updated '90s styling, too. I remember back in the day when everyone who wore sneakers (that is, people who weren't moping around in Doc Martens; that is, people who weren't me) was wearing Filas.

I kind of forgot about the brand, to be honest, but it's doing well for itself. In fact, the Disruptor II won Footwear News' 2018 Sneaker of the Year in 2018.

This is a fun article on the Disruptor's history, if you feel like doing a little shoe-related reading: "At 22 Years Old the Fila Disruptor 2 Hit Its Peak Popularity."

So, that's what up with me! What's up with you?

(As always: I am not affiliated with nor am I receiving compensation from any of the brands or shoe retailers mentioned in this thread. Any shoes and/or retailers I recommend is just because I really like 'em!)

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