Hey, everyone! For a very long time, people have been asking me for additional donation options besides PayPal.
I recently added Venmo as an option, and you can make a donation via their mobile app. There's also a link in the sidebar. My transactions are set to private, so no one will ever be able to see any information about any donations you make.
I've also now launched a Patreon account, so you can become a subscriber there if you prefer.
I will occasionally post unique content there, but, like the content here, it will be public and accessible to everyone. There are no special giveaways for higher tiers, because I want every person who wants access to my work to have access to it, regardless of their ability to pay.
So I hope you will give what you can, not only because you value my work and want me to earn a liveable wage doing it, but because you value a community of progressives who provide for one another as we are able.
Now would be a great time to subscribe, if you can, because I'm working my tail off even harder than usual covering both the Trump Regime and the Democratic primary, and some wind in my sails would be deeply appreciated.
Thanks, y'all. ♥
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