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Sorry it's been a minute (!) since the last Fat Fashion thread. I hadn't purchased or even worn any new or notable duds in awhile, but I just got these short denim overalls from Venus, and I'm super excited about them!
I love overalls. About two decades ago, I had a pair of black corduroy overalls that I wore until they literally fell apart at the seams. I still miss them, lol.
Venus' overalls only go up to size 24, which is what I purchased, since I'm a usually a 24 on top. There is plenty of room around my waist (where I'm widest, being apple-shaped), and even more around my hips and thighs, so, depending on how your body is shaped, someone who normally needs a bigger size might easily fit into the 24. I like my overalls baggy, so I'm good with this fit.
If you're tall, note that I'm only 5'3", so the shorts would be shorter on you. Additionally, I've got about four extra inches I could let out in the straps, to give you some idea of how these would fit on longer torsos.
Yesterday, after a swim and grocery shopping and some other errands, I was roasting when we got home during the hottest part of the afternoon, so I was just wearing these overalls around the house with a bra, and it felt great!
Anyway! What's up with you?
Have at it in comments! Please remember to make fat women of all sizes, especially women who find themselves regularly sizing out of standard plus-size lines, welcome in this conversation, and pass no judgment on fat women who want to and/or feel obliged, for any reason, to conform to beauty standards. And please make sure if you're soliciting advice, you make it clear you're seeking suggestions—and please be considerate not to offer unsolicited advice. Sometimes people just need to complain and want solidarity, not solutions.
[Note: I am not receiving anything in return for my recommendations here, nor am I affiliated in any way with any of the companies mentioned herein. Any endorsements made are on products I purchased myself, just because I like them!]
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