Pelosi met with Nadler (D-N.Y.) and several other top Democrats who are aggressively pursuing investigations against the president, according to multiple sources. Nadler and other committee leaders have been embroiled in a behind-the-scenes turf battle for weeks over ownership of the Democrats' sprawling investigation into Trump.What in blazes is she even talking about?! There is a diminishing likelihood that Donald Trump will ever face consequences for anything, no less end up incarcerated, so long as Democrats refuse to use every tool in the box to try to hold him accountable.
Nadler pressed Pelosi to allow his committee to launch an impeachment inquiry against Trump — the second such request he's made in recent weeks only to be rebuffed by the California Democrat and other senior leaders. Pelosi stood firm, reiterating that she isn't open to the idea of impeaching Trump at this time.
"I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison," Pelosi said, according to multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting.
Nancy Pelosi is not a stupid person. She knows this.
Which is why she has nothing but an argle-bargled mess of an argument to try to defend this absurd position: "Instead of impeachment, Pelosi still prefers to see Trump defeated at the ballot box and then prosecuted for his alleged crimes, according to the sources."
Okay. Sure. Except we're almost certainly not going to have free and fair elections, and Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate majority are busily stacking the courts with conservative sycophants who will never allow Trump to be convicted of anything.
I don't know what on earth has happened to Pelosi, and it is, bluntly, terrifying to contemplate what is driving her detestably obdurate refusal to budge from her irrational position.
Her position is indefensible. Her justifications are unconvincing. Her alternate vision is comprehensively unreasonable.
This is unfathomable.
If she cannot be convinced, she must be removed.
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