Suggested by Shaker Nitro_mom: "What's a favorite product, brand, recipe, or tip/hack you first learned about at Shakesville? What about a favorite artist or artistic work? Have you taken on a project or craft that was inspired by something you read or linked to from here?"
Omigosh, so many over the last 15 years, I can't even being to recount them all!
When someone mentions something that I end up using/liking/making/etc., I try to remember to mention it on the main page to give credit, like when Shaker catvoncat recommended Downy Wrinkle Releaser, or when Shakers hopefulnebula and DesertRose recommended safety gadgets for keychains, or when Shaker BrianWS recommends great music to me, as he does on a regular basis, like the awesome Amy Shark.
I also just picked up the book The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, which Shaker wakeuptothemoon recommended in the last What I'm Reading Now thread.
And those are just a few recent ones! I take recommendations from y'all all the time. I mean, you're here, so obviously you have excellent taste! ;)
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