As I have mentioned previously, I lack a green thumb in the worst way, but I have decided that this is the year I am going to try to learn how to grow things! Here are a few pix from our garden this week...
Bigleaf hydrangea.
I'm pretty chuffed, because we planted this one. The mature blooms were there when we bought it, but it's taken root and its first new bloom since it's arrival looks ready to burst any day now.
Another bigleaf hydrangea.
Another hydrangea, finally getting its first bloom.
Aromatic aster we planted getting its first baby blooms!
Big succulent, little succulent.
The mature succulent was planted by the previous owners. The little succulent was planted by us, as part of a larger succulent garden between the existing succulents and the rose bush.
Roses, planted by previous owners.
Spiraea Japonica. (Thanks to Shaker SKM for helping me identify this one!)
As always, you are welcome and encouraged to share stories and pix of what's happening in your garden!
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