Share your favorite recipes, solicit good recipes, share recipes you've recently tried, want to try, are trying to perfect, whatever! Whether they're your own creation, or something you found elsewhere, share away.
Also welcome: Recipes you've seen recently that you'd love to try, but haven't yet!
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This weekend, we were visiting friends who always put out an extraordinary spread of delicious snacks and treats. While Iain was busy telling them how I'm the master of sandwiches, I was putting together guacamole, lobster salad, and pico de gallo on rye, taking this picture, and posting it on Instagram.
Iain then noticed what I was doing. "See?!" he exclaimed, as I was tucking into my creation. "That looks incredible!" said our friend.
"It is!" I said. "These things should not go together, but they totally do."
"Sandwich Queen," said Iain, and I munched away happily, blushing.
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