The Self-Care Thread
[Note: This is the thread formerly known as "Discussion Thread: Self-Care." I've just retitled it and added an image, the background of which comes via Pixabay.]
Every time we fly somewhere on a commercial plane, the flight attendants give us a safety instruction that includes some variation on this note: "In case of emergency, oxygen masks will deploy from the ceiling compartment located above you. Please make sure to secure your own mask before assisting others."
We are living in a state of emergency on a broad scale, from electoral politics to climate change, and it can get overwhelming — especially when we've all got our own emergencies with which to contend.
It's easy to forget that we need to take care of ourselves, in whatever ways we can, because we need it for our own damn selves, and because we can't help anyone else if we're totally tapped out.
It's also not always easy to figure out ways to practice self-care, so here's a thread for discussion.
What are you doing to do to take care of yourself today, or in the near future, as soon as you can?
If you are someone who has a hard time engaging in self-care, or figuring out easy, fast, and/or inexpensive ways to treat yourself, and you would like to solicit suggestions, please feel welcome. And, as always, no one should offer advice unless it is solicited.
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