Seems totally ridiculous that our government, and indeed Country, cannot ask a basic question of Citizenship in a very expensive, detailed and important Census, in this case for 2020. I have asked the lawyers if they can delay the Census, no matter how long, until the.....As I noted on Twitter: This is almost certainly a test ahead of the 2020 election. If Trump is allowed to "delay" or suspend the census without consequence, there is nothing that will stop him from "delaying" or suspending the election, which he already constantly suggests is being "rigged."
.....United States Supreme Court is given additional information from which it can make a final and decisive decision on this very critical matter. Can anyone really believe that as a great Country, we are not able the ask whether or not someone is a Citizen. Only in America!
Also note the through-line: Trump has repeatedly rooted his claims of "election rigging" in false assertions of widespread voter fraud committed by undocumented immigrants; he threatens to delay the census because he can't determine if undocumented immigrants are participating.
He launched his political career with a nativist birther campaign against President Obama; he announced his first candidacy by descending on an escalator and disgorging nativist rhetoric; and he continues to consolidate power and subvert democracy via vile nativist malice.
Trump is a big eugenics aficionado; an avowed white supremacist; and a nativist fascist.
He is angling, demonstrably, to be a dictator, and he is exploiting racist hatred to achieve that objective.
He cannot be allowed to delay the census.
Impeach him now.
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