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Recommended Reading:
Jameelah Nasheed at Teen Vogue: What Is Juneteenth, How Is It Celebrated, and Why Does It Matter?
Casey Newton at the Verge: [Content Note: Descriptions of violence; workplace abuse; trauma] Bodies in Seats: At Facebook's Worst-Performing Content Moderation Site in North America, One Contractor Has Died and Others Say They Fear for Their Lives
Lori Andrews at Our Bodies Ourselves: Congress Wants to Give Companies the Right to Own Our Genes
Lynn Neary and Patrick Jarenwattananon at NPR: Joy Harjo Becomes the First Native American U.S. Poet Laureate
Elanor Broker at Catapult: Son Boy Allowed: A Trans Mother Finds Space for Boyhood
Ryan F. Mandelbaum at Gizmodo: This Could Be the Most Earth-Like Exoplanet Discovered Yet
Johnny Waldman at Colossal: Delicate Miniature Sculptures Made from Dandelion Seeds by Euglena
Carla Lalli Music at Bon Appetit: This Cheesy, Crispy Broccoli Skillet Might Be the Best Thing I've Ever Made
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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