The Check-In
I am just ceaselessly angry and grief-stricken about the humanitarian crisis at the southern border. When I sleep well enough to dream, I have nightmares about concentration camps.
I am deeply unhappy (to put it mildly) about how Donald Trump's presidency is being defined by powerful sexual predators defying accountability to assume even more power. I said many times that the 2016 election would be a referendum on how this nation values women, and Trump is the ultimate feminist backlash.
I am feeling increasingly anxious about the 2020 election. About the campaign, about Election Day, and about the fallout after Election Day. It's just going to be a shitshow, and it's freaking me the fuck out. I hope I'm wrong to be so worried.
I continue to feel like the world is shifting out from under my feet and I'm about to topple over.
I am hungry, so I'm going to eat some lunch.
I am grateful for my dear husband, for our home, for my friends, for all the times they make me laugh, and for Dudley and Zelda.
I am also, as always, glad for this community. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.
How are you?
Beloved Community,
The Check-In
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